Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Woodlin's Story

When the earthquake started, little Woodlin (three-years-old) was inside her house in Port-au-Prince playing. The house fell down, trapping little Woodlin by the leg. For two days, her parents searched the rubble for their little girl. But she never gave up. For two days she clapped her hands to call her family to her. It worked and they found her!

Woodlin’s rescuers had to cut off her leg because they could not move the concrete slab on their own.

“But today, just four months later, she is up hopping around,” said Jackie Brumley, one of the nurses volunteering at the Chambrun medical clinic. “She had this little walker, too, and she is just hopping up and down the hallways. She is just so cute. She has these sweet little pig tails. So cute!”

“She was the happiest little girl I have ever seen in my life,” Katie Hutchens, a nursing student said. “It’s only been four months, and she was just happy.”

The nurses at the clinic checked the amputee site and determined that it is healing very well.

Woodlin and her family moved out to the Chambrun village for safety from falling buildings.

Now Woodlin attends the school set up by Pastor Pierre and Nehemiah’s Vision. Each day she gets a high-protein rice-soy meal at school. She even received a water bottle from GAiN to make sure she does not become dehydrated in the hot sun.

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