Friday, May 28, 2010

Myrta's Story

Myrta has had a hard life. Her legs are paralyzed, and her husband abused her and left her with three children.

“In the morning, her family members would take her outside and lay her under a tree all day. Then different family members would bring her food,” said Jackie Brumley, a nurse at the Chambrun clinic. “She had no way of getting around.”

“We gave her a wheel chair, but there was no way she could push her own wheel chair out here on these rough roads,” Jackie said. “She could find someone to push her to church, but it was hard going. Then she had to wait at church until someone would push her home. But the gravel out here just eats the tires off a regular wheelchair. So we got her a PET Cart and it has been awesome.”

A PET (Personal Energy Transportation) Cart is a rugged wheelchair/cart you can pedal with your hands. It is made for rougher roads than a normal wheelchair can take.

In fact, when Jackie came to visit Chambrun, Myrta came out pedaling as fast as she could across the gravel road to find the American group. She shook hands with them all. And each Sunday, she petals the half-mile to church on her own.

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