Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Call to Haiti

I will be heading to Haiti on May 18, and I sure could use your prayers!

Just before the big earthquake in Haiti, Global Aid Network had a plan for Haiti—we would set up a warehouse—and fully stock it—for the next big hurricane. We shipped 1 million rice-soy meals there with 3,000 pairs of Crocs shoes. We were in the process of shipping more when our plans changed.

After the earthquake, Pastor Pierre (the Campus Crusade director in Haiti) distributed the food to the needy in a city called Chambron just outside of Port-au-Prince. Since then, we have shipped 16 more 40-food tractor trailer containers of aid—as well as construction materials.

We have had several staff in Haiti working on logistics, receiving aid, distributing aid, and supporting other ministries there. Now, I will be going to help in those areas, but also to collect stories and photos of what is happening right now in Haiti. Many of our staff who go down there are so busy receiving the aid, working with Customs, and meeting needs that they have very little time to send back word about what is happening. So I am thrilled that I will get to use my journalism skills to try to capture everything I can.

Would you pray for me:
• That God will show me what He wants us all to see
• Help with the language barrier (they speak Creole)
• Packing: I will be traveling until 2 days before I leave. I need to pack in 2 days.
• Safe travel
• Good health and good sleep
• That I can get used to 100 degree weather quickly
• That God will fill me and use me in any way He desires!

Thank you for your prayers! I will be back June 5!

Serving Him with You,
Joey Payne
Global Aid Network (GAiN)

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