Monday, May 31, 2010

Pstor Jorel Naurelus and Church of God in Christ

Pastor Jorel Naurelus (center) of the Church of God in Christ in Carrefour has been receiving the rice-soy meals from Pastor Pierre so he can feed his church.
“We have a lot of people in my church—about 600 people, Pastor Naurelus said. “There are about 150 kids there each Sunday morning.”

After the earthquake, Pastor Naurelus asked Pastor Pierre for help.
“ He gave me some food and I shared it with my people. They were so happy, but I did not have enough to give because I have so many people!” Pastor Naurelus said. “So I talked to Pastor Pierre again and he said come again and we will give you more food. I have a lot of families under the tent now.”

And many of the original feeding programs have ceased.

“Now the people are so hungry under the tents. They are very hungry—they are starving,” Naurelus said. “And they have many more problems. It is now raining and they are walking in mud. “

The food is not only life-saving, but it also tastes good.
“The food tastes good. Really, it is good,” Naurelus said. “The people are very satisfied. They are very happy with it. They keep asking, ‘Pastor, when will you bring us some more?’ I tell them, ‘I keep begging. As soon as they give it to me, I will give it to you. I will bring it back to you.’”

The Church of God in Christ in Carrefour also tries to support a school
“I feed the kids at church and in our school,” Naurelus explained. “I want to have a permanent feeding program, but I cannot do that yet. I do not have the support to do that yet. So we need your support. We thank you for what you have been doing. We keep praying for you. We pray that the Lord blesses you and that we would be blessed by you.”

Naurelus’s faith in God is evident. He said, “Blessed be the name of the Lord—He provides for us. He knows we are here, and He will make a way. We believe in Him.”
He also mentioned a prayer request: “My dream for Haiti is change. The situation that we are in is terrible. I want Haiti to change the condition that the people live in. As human beings, we are not supposed to live in that condition. Haiti is the poorest country in this hemisphere—a third world country. I want Haiti to change so it can get out from that condition. The big problem we have is in our political leaders since Haiti became independent. We do not have good leadership in Haiti. That is why we keep fasting and praying, so the Lord will send someone to lead the country. My dream is that we would have a pastor to be President. We have tried everybody, but we haven’t tried a pastor yet. We are praying for that.”

I asked Pastor Naurelus what he would say to my fellow Americans who helped ship the aid he was receiving. He said, “Haiti is a poor country. The Bible says that if you help poor people, the Lord will help you, too. He will take care of you. In the name of all Haitian people, I am extending my thanks to the American people. I want you to continue to send food for us. We cannot reward you, but I tell you there will be a reward. The reward will be in the Heaven! You will receive a crown when you take care of the Lord’s people. Before the Bema seat, everyone will be together there—not to be judged as a Christian. But to receive the crown for what you have been doing while you were in the Body of Christ, which is the church. We appreciate you—you are doing a good job. But please continue the job.”

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